First Aid by Levande is a service offered by Levande Healthcare Company. We offer various CPR & First Aid Trainings as well as the sale of various First Aid Kits and Boxes.
All courses are tailored to your needs because its important you feel confident in helping an injured or seriously ill victim. We do not teach by memorization, but use varied and practical teaching, illustrated with real-life examples, to help you to understand what you need to do and why you need to do it.
Our Mission
To provide knowledge and skills to a range of clients on how to act confidently in a medical emergency with the right knowledge, skill and tools. We do this by ensuring professional interactive training, well-equipped first aid kits and excellent customer service.
Our Founder
The Levande Team is focused on convenient healthcare solutions to help everyone have the right knowledge, skills and tools to help in a medical emergency.

Dr. Oluwatosin Osikoya is the Founder of Levande Healthcare Company. Their premier service, First Aid by Levande, teaches people to act without fear or confusion in a medical emergency. She trained at the University College Hospital Ibadan, has a distinction in MBA from the University of Lagos and an MSc in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has been training on First Aid since 2016 and holds a L3 Award in Education and Training.
Starting this company fulfils her passion for health information dissemination. She was that doctor who took extra time during patients’ consultation to inform and educate, the one that Nurses had to knock on the consulting room door to inform that other patients were waiting. She has seen too many disabilities and fatalities that could have been prevented if people who responded had the knowledge and skills to handle.
With over 24 years in the healthcare industry, spanning Hospital Administration, Clinical Management and Public Health, Education & Trainings; she lives by the adages “Prevention is better than cure” and “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail“. She is mother of 2 and one who believes that children, no matter their circumstance, deserve our attention, affection and understanding. She is an avid reader whose other life’s passions are playing lawn tennis, arts, music and her 4 German Shepherds.
Email: tosin(at)
Levande Healthcare
We provide healthcare solutions to ensure you are prepared and able to handle any medical emergency, be it an accident or illness.
These solutions will be for you, your children and their schools, your family and for the community. Levande Healthcare was founded by Dr. Tosin Osikoya who has over 24 years in the healthcare industry.
We believe that there shouldn’t be permanent disability or lives lost because no one knows what to do in the first few minutes of an accident or sudden illness. We are in business to ensure your health, safety and well-being, today and everyday.
Our Vision
To be the respected leading supplier of quality led practical tailored healthcare & health education services in Nigeria.