As the pandemic continues to rage and with the occurrence of a 3rd wave in Nigeria, we have mapped out below the roles of your organization, the venue, the participant and the first aid training provider in ensuring that we remain compliant with existing regulations to keep everyone safe.
It is important to remember that first aid has always had to consider the risk of infection, not just from coronavirus (Covid-19) but from other viruses such as HIV, hepatitis and other infections which have the potential to do harm. We have always prevention of infection seriously.
Generally, the venue should be appropriate for the class size; social distancing & hand hygiene is essential and mask wearing is mandatory for participants and trainers.
The Role of the Organization
- Ensure the venue is large enough such that all participants will be socially distanced according to current NCDC guidelines.
- If your venue space can’t accommodate the maximum of 12 participants with adequate social distancing, then let us know the number of participants it can hold.
- Inform all participants that masks are to be worn at all times except when eating, drinking or doing practical assessments where applicable. It should cover the nose and mouth and a face shield can be worn with the face mask but cannot replace it.
- Inform all participants that a temperature check may be done on arrival and that anyone with a fever, cough or feeling will be sent back. If a participant has any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. new persistent cough, high temperature, loss or change to sense of smell or taste) they must not attend training.
The Role of the Venue (if external to the organization)
- Ensure the training venue is well ventilated with open windows.
- It should be large enough to ensure that 12 participants can be seated 2 metres apart to allow for social distancing. Or we accommodate the number that fits the venue size.
- Ensure there is running water and hand washing capability (with liquid hand-wash), if possible, in 2 – 3 different areas.
- Temperature check of all the participants may be one at the entrance and anyone with a fever, cough or not feeling well will be sent back and the training date rescheduled.
- If training is our Ojodu office, there will not be screening before entry. Instead, every participant and the instructor will be assumed to be carrying COVID-19 regardless of being asymptomatic. This will reduce complacency and ensure adherence to measures stated. Our venue can only seat 5.
- Lined trash receptacles should be available for glove disposal. Trash receptacles should either be lid-less, or have a hands-free means of opening the lid (such as a foot pedal).
The Role of the Participants
- They should wash their hands adequately on getting to the venue or use a hand sanitiser.
- They may be subjected to a temperature check.
- All participants are required to wear a face mask when entering and moving around the training venue, unless medically exempt (should show proof).
- During training, the wearing of a face covering is not mandatory when delegates are seated and are socially distanced at 2m.
- Whenever reasonably practical, social distancing will be maintained except for training and assessment purposes where it is necessary to come within 2 metres of other learners, related to a real emergency. This is because a first aider will be expected to come in contact with the victim they are helping.
- Proper hand-washing must occur before and after breaks, and after glove removal.
The Role of the First Aid Trainer & First Aid Training Provider
- We will share our covid protocols at the beginning of each training with all participants.
- Hand sanitizer will be available to participants during training.
- Each manikin or equipment is wiped down between each training use by participants in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
- While gloves are available, they are not provided as mandatory PPE because regular and thorough handwashing is a preferable method of reducing the risk of transmission of viruses and bacteria. Viruses and bacteria can still remain present on gloves, and they are not shown to provide additional benefit compared with handwashing when the wearer is not coming into contact with bodily fluids.
- We will provide gloves for relevant practical sessions.
- Whenever reasonably practical, social distancing will be maintained except for training and assessment purposes where it is necessary to come within 2 metres of other participants, related to a real emergency. This is because a first aider will be expected to come in contact with the victim they are helping.
- Necessary practical work is done within the same groups of 2 to 3 participants to minimise the number of people with whom participants come into closer contact with.
- Where close contact is required for the purpose of assessment, each session of contact within 2 metres will last for up to 15 minutes and no more.
- At First Aid by Levande, we have made additions to our first aid training delivery considering relating to the checking of breathing and use of rescue breaths in unresponsive and breathing/not breathing sessions and the delivery of choking sessions according to current NCDC guidelines.