March 20, 2018

How To Handle A Seizure

A seizure is an episode of dysfunction in the brain caused by abnormal electrical activity that results in a sudden change in behaviour, sensory perception, or motor activity. Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do when offering first aid to a person during and after seizure. For someone with history of seizures in the past, it is advised that they perform any activity that puts them at increased risk of injury with at least one other person who is in the know of their condition and can intervene if necessary. Since many seizures are preceded by an aura, it is essential to be educated to recognize aura to prepare for seizure. There are many types of seizures, most end in a few minutes.  

Steps To Keep The Person Safe Until The Seizure Stops:

  • Clear the area around the person to prevent injury from piercing or hard objects
  • Ease the person to the floor if its dangerous where the casualty is.
  • Support the head with something to cushion against the floor due to prevent head injury.
  • Remove accessories that may make breathing hard or hurt the person
  • Once the seizure is over, the casualty might still be drowsy so it is best to turn the person to one side to prevent being choked with content expelled from the mouth (vomit/saliva). This is the recovery position.
  • Stay with the person until s/he recovers, is alert and able to talk.
  • Help sit the person in a safe position and talk to them calmly about what happened.
  • Comfort the person and keep other people calm
  • Call for help if; seizure persist longer than 5 minutes, there are complications after the seizure or the person has a health condition.

Do Not

  1. Restrain the casualty's movement
  2. Give fluid like water or food
  3. Perform CPR
  4. Put anything in the mouth e.g spoon
  NB: Do you know we teach first aid classes for Parents, Caregivers, Schools and the Workplace? These lifesaving skills gives you the confidence to help someone with minor bleeds, burns, seizures etc to serious cases such as cardiac arrests. Call us now to book a class.  
References Boylan LS, Labovitz DL, Jackson SC, Starner K, Devinsky O (2006). Auras are frequent in idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Neurology. PubMed; 67:343–345.
Epilepsy Foundation of America (2009). Seizure recognition and first aid. Accessed on 14 March, 2018.
Misulis, Karl E.; Murray, E. Lee (2017). Essentials of Hospital Neurology. Oxford University Press. p. Chapter 19. Archived from the original on 15 October 2017

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