In a First Aid Class, you would learn a variety of essential skills and knowledge to respond effectively to medical emergencies quickly and confidently. These knowledge and skills ensure you that when seconds count, you are doing all you can to help the victim, and even save their lives.
Here are some topics commonly covered in a first aid class:
✅️ CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): These are techniques for performing CPR on adults, children, and infants. It includes chest compressions and rescue breaths and the critical steps and numbers to achieve high-quality CPR.
✅️ Use of AED (Automated External Defibrillator): Focuses on how to operate an AED to restore normal heart rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. It's importance and necessity is emphasized. There are different brands available but the algorithm for how they work is the same.
✅️ Choking Response: Recognizing this emergency is critical and the techniques for clearing the airway and assisting someone is explained and practiced (in some cases).
✅️ Bleeding Control: Methods for controlling and managing different types of bleeding, including using bandages and direct pressure. The knowledge of why you do what you do, the skill of effective implementation and protecting oneself, as well as the tools necessary are emphasized.
✅️ Shock Management: Recognizing signs of shock and providing appropriate first aid care.
✅️ Burn Care: Care for minor burns and understanding when to seek medical attention for more severe burns.
✅️ Fracture and Sprain Management: How to immobilize and provide initial care for fractures, sprains, and strains.
✅️ Medical Emergencies: Recognition and initial response to common medical emergencies like heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and allergic reactions.
✅️ Environmental Emergencies: First aid for heat-related illnesses, hypothermia, and other environmental emergencies.
✅️ First Aid Kits: Understanding the contents of a first aid kit and how to use them effectively in the topics taught.
✅️ Emergency Action Plans: Developing and implementing emergency action plans for various settings like workplaces, schools, etc.
✅️ Legal and Ethical Considerations: Understanding your responsibilities and legal protections when providing first aid assistance.
Take The First Aid Class That Suits Your Needs
First Aid Trainings are of a wide variety covering different topics and tailored to different age groups (e.g. paediatric first aid) or even special circumstances (e.g. wilderness first aid). These topics highlighted above will depend on the training you are taking. They provide a foundation for responding to a wide range of medical emergencies effectively.
Hands-on practice and scenario-based training are typically included to reinforce learning and improve confidence in applying first aid skills in real-life situations. A first aid class can never prepare you for all the possible scenarios of medical emergencies that exist or you might encounter; what it does is to prepare you to act safely and confidently no matter the situation.
▶️ Do you need a First Aid Training for your home, school or workplace? Call 08177321761 to talk to us.🙂