February 18, 2022

Learn First Aid the Right Way

It is important you learn first aid the right way and under the right conditions as it prepares you to handle possible life and death situations under stressful conditions.

The first aid trainers and teachers are offering a professional service and to meet international standards, there some requirements.

What are the conditions that must be met for you to learn properly and be confident with your acquired knowledge and skills:

There should be a maximum of 12 in a class. The standard is 1:12. (1 trainer to 12 people)

The ideal is a manikin to 2 learners.

At Levande, we use 1 standard CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) training manikin to 1 student. We also use 1 training AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to 1 or 2 learners though the minimum standard is 1 AED to 3 to 4 learners. Our learners each get a training kit; contains a pair of gloves, non-adherent pads, conforming bandage and/or triangular bandage.

To teach you on first aid, the knowledge of the trainer is a major factor but the right training equipment is also essential. Apart from the practise, using them also makes you understand that you may need some equipment in your workplace, school or home and that they need to be serviced, maintained or refilled as the case may be.

First Aid Training Providers should ensure that there is adequate learning and practice time for each participant in all the practical assessments for the specific first aid course. E.g. for CPR, each participant should demonstrate at least 5 consecutive cycles of high-quality CPR.

It is true that one can't be sure you know something until one actually does it. In using and performing first aid skills you have learnt, do you then wait for an actual medical emergency to be sure you know what to do? No!

This is why learners need adequate practise during the practical skills for that first aid course they are taking. It is essential to practise because it becomes muscle memory such that you don't have to think too much before you can help someone in real life.

Adequate contact time must be allocated to the specific training course. For example:
CPR & Use of AED alone = 4hrs

It is also why the training times for specific first aid courses are what they are, the contact times ensures that you have adequate time to practise all you have learnt. You don't come to class look; you come to learn and practise. And it only by doing you can be sure you know.

For certification trainings, each candidate has to be assessed at the end of the learning because it is the only way first aid training providers will know that you understood what you were taught.

Learners ONLY get a certificate of completion once they pass the end of training test and demonstrate competence in the physical assessments for that training.

A great learning experience and all that it comes with helps you remember. First Aid by Levande will give you a great learning experience because we know that knowledge and skills is much more important than the certificate.

At First Aid by Levande, we want you prepared.

Need a first aid training for certification? See all our available trainings. You can also find our contact details here.

Dr. Oluwatosin Osikoya is the Founder of Levande Healthcare Company. With over 24 years in the healthcare industry, she lives by the adages “Prevention is better than cure” and “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail“. She has been training on First Aid since 2016.

Email: tosin(at)firstaidbylevande.com.ng

About the author 

Dr Tosin Osikoya

Committed to saving lives. One person at a time.

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