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  • Professional Adult CPR Training Manikin (with CPR Monitor)

Professional Adult CPR Training Manikin (with CPR Monitor)


  • Realistic looking CPR training manikin with a pinch-able nose and fully formed neck portion that allows for a carotid pulse check.
  • Realistic skin resists dirt, grime and grease.
  • Visual anatomy ‘landmarks’ such as a navel and ribcage allow for reinforcing proper hand placement for quality CPR compressions.
  • Head-tilt illustrates how to open the airway and allows each student to observe a true chest rise when proper head-tilt chin-lift technique is used.

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SKU: TEQ001 Category:

This AHA Compliant CPR Manikins comes equipped with Compression Depth Clicker Feedback Devices AND Compression Rate Monitor Feedback Devices.

It will optimize your training program by ensuring the student’s Compression Depth and Compression Rate are reached with an audible ‘clicking’ sound and LED indicators provided by two separate feedback devices.

Additional Items Included: A bag, a pack of training face shields, extra “lungs” and an extra “face”.

The LED indicators on the left shoulder for easy viewing allow for instant feedback to both instructor and student regarding their rate of chest compressions. Instructors can monitor several students quickly and easily, while students themselves can visually gauge their compression rate reinforcing more practice time using proper technique.

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