September 19, 2023

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  • What A First Aid Box Should Contain
Where should you keep your first aid kits

Levande First Aid Kit
  • Plaster (various sizes)
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Adhesive tape
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Scissors and tweezers
  • Gloves (preferably non-latex)
  • First aid manual or instruction booklet

  • Thermometer
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • CPR mask or shield
  • Emergency whistle
  • List of emergency phone numbers (including poison control)

  • Pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen
  • Antihistamines for allergic reactions
  • Auto-injectors
  • Aspirin (for heart attack symptoms)
  • Burn cream or gel

  • Instant cold packs
  • Elastic bandages
  • Fracture splints
  • Triangle bandages (for immobilizing injuries)
  • Tourniquet (for severe bleeding)
  • Chest seals (for puncture wounds)

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disposable wipes
  • Face masks
  • Emergency blanket
Emergency response trauma kit
  • For outdoors: add insect repellent, sunscreen, and a snakebite kit.
  • For travel: consider motion sickness medication and prescription medication for existing conditions.
  • For workplaces with chemicals: add eye wash, burn first-aid items
  • For toddlers and children: add fun plasters for kids, nasal aspirator, medicine dropper

  • Check the expiry dates of all medications and replace them as needed.
  • Inspect your first aid kit regularly and replenish any used or expired items.
  • Keep it in a designated and easily accessible location, known to all members of your household or workplace.

  • Regularly review the contents of your first aid kit and familiarize yourself with how to use each item.
  • Consider taking first aid training to enhance your knowledge and response abilities in emergencies.

About the author 


First Aid by Levande is a service offered by Levande Healthcare Ltd. We want to give you the confidence to care and act when seconds count.

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