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First Aid Training at Makoko

When we were invited to do a first aid training at Whanyinna School in Makoko by @volunteerteacher, Taiye Faloju, we were excited!

For one, these are people who wouldn’t have access to this training ordinarily. We don’t mean theory but practical first aid teachings as evidenced by the images (See our instagram page also!).First Aid Training at Makoko

Makoko is a neighbourhood across the 3rd Mainland Bridge located on the coast of mainland Lagos. A third of the community is built on stilts along the lagoon and the rest is on the land. The waterfront part of the community is largely harboured by the Egun people who migrated from Badagary and Republic of Benin and whose main occupation is fishing (Wikipedia).

We rode on canoes and as a safety conscious person, we wore life jackets (we must have been a source of amusement to our fellow canoers!). 

We arrived smiling, in the middle we were smiling and at the end, we were laughing! One thing we cherish about our trainings, is that we get to meet amazing people all the time, who feel empowered by our teachings and First Aid Training at Makokomore confident.

Our passion, purpose at Levande Healthcare takes us all to different places but in the end, its always about the people and what they need to live their best life. Our First Aid training at Makoko was amazing with all the teachers who wanted to know more and asked a great deal of questions.

Life is about people. First Aid is about Life. We are definitely in the right place!


First Aid by Levande offers a variety of training that are meet your needs. Click on the link to know more about what First Aid by Levande offers, or call 08177321761



About the author 


First Aid by Levande is a service offered by Levande Healthcare Ltd. We want to give you the confidence to care and act when seconds count.

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